Civil rights Opposition
people opposing civil rights
groups opposing civil rights

The ku klux klan
Governor Wallace
The Dixiecrats
George Wallis got voted governor in 1970 promising his people with the quote he is now remembered by “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” George Wallis was involved in most southern protests such as Birmingham were African american students were shot with high pressure fire hoses, police dogs and brutal police force that killed some.he also worked with the ku klux klan when his integration speech was written by the leader of the white supremacist group.
The Ku Klux klan Is a white supremacist group that was established on December 24, 1865. They are highly dangerous to people of color and were known for lynching African Americans and sometimes even leaving them hanging from trees. The Ku Klux Klan also killed three civil rights workers in Mississippi that triggered a protest known as freedom summer. They were opposing civil rights throughout everything that was going on and believed that African Americans were on a lower status than white people.

The chicago housing activists
The Dixiecrat's were a political party in the southern states that believed in segregation. The Dixiecrat's were led by Senator Richard b Russell jr. They made it very hard to pass laws particularly in the south considering they were a law making group that opposed civil rights.
Chicago white supremacist groups were notoriously known for bombing African Americans on the wrong side of the city's racial boundaries. ( Says that “In one case, 14,000 people lived in a single block. Although 85% of the inhabitants were black, management was mostly white.”